Woman with chowder at 码头39

Where to Find the
Best Clam Chowder in San Francisco

无论你是想在雾滚滚的时候暖暖身,还是想在探索贝博体彩app之前吃顿丰盛的饭, you can't go wrong with clam chowder.

San Francisco is famous for many iconic dishes, and clam chowder is among our favorites. 无论你是在雾滚滚的时候需要一些东西来温暖你,还是在探索这座城市之前想要一顿丰盛的饭, you can't go wrong with clam chowder. Especially clam chowder in a bread bowl. 这里有几个地方可以在不同的贝博体彩app享受它 neighborhoods. Keep this handy as you plan your next visit.

Fisherman's Wharf

这个受欢迎的、熙熙攘攘的社区一直是游客的必去之地. Naturally, 在贝博体彩app,一些吃蛤蜊浓汤的好地方离每天捕获的新鲜海鲜最近. 

Boudin Bakery & 咖啡馆

160 Jefferson St.

如果你想用贝博体彩app的招牌酸面包碗来做杂烩汤, visit the famous Boudin Bakery and 咖啡馆. 选择这个城市最原始的酸面包供应商是不会出错的! 像新英格兰的杂烩汤一样浓稠,布丹的杂烩汤一定会粘在你的肋骨上.



就连波士顿人也在网上对这里的蛤蜊浓汤赞不绝口. Chowders 以其超值而闻名,而且价格合理,分量充足! 这是一个很好的交易,你会试图在你的肚子里找到额外的空间.

Fog Harbor Fish House


The hearty, flavorful clam chowder at Fog Harbor Fish House draws raves from visitors and awards from experts. You can even try to duplicate the dish with their 配方, which they freely share. 仍然, 在家吃一碗杂烩汤和欣赏雾港迷人的海湾景色是不一样的.


1965 Al Scoma Way

Tucked away on its own private pier, Scoma的 serves its clam chowder piping hot. 在旁边放上一大份酸面包,确保你不会错过一滴. 菜单上满是美味的选择,Scoma的蛤蜊杂烩仍然是回头客的最爱.

North Beach

Not far from Fisherman's Wharf, you'll find the family-owned restaurants, bakeries, and coffee shops of North Beach, San Francisco's Little Italy.

Sotto Mare

552 Green St.

据说附近最好的蛤蜊杂烩在 Sotto Mare. How could it not be? The restaurant's name literally means "under the sea" in 意大利! 浓稠丰盛,他们的杂烩汤值得等待(几乎总是需要等待).

Nob Hill

缆车可以爬到一半的地方,附近有豪华酒店, stunning views, and at least one must-stop for chowder lovers.

Swan Oyster Depot

1517 Polk St.

On the west side of this neighborhood, you'll find the famous Swan Oyster Depot. Quick service, low prices, 卓越的品质是他们制作美味杂烩汤的秘诀之一, which keeps diners dutifully waiting in line.


如果你想寻找艺术的下一个趋势,贝博体彩app发展最快的社区是你应该去的地方, 食物, and more. 

The Ramp

855 Terry A. Francois Blvd.

Not far from the Golden State Warriors' Chase Center is The Ramp, 当地人最喜欢的蛤蜊杂烩,就像他们的海滨景观和现场音乐表演一样好评如潮. 如果你喜欢浓稠而丰盛的杂烩汤,The Ramp就是你的不二之选.

The Mission

The Mission is home to almost every cuisine imaginable, so why wouldn't great clam chowder be here, 太? 在参观当地壁画的间隙停下来吃点杂烩汤 Dolores Park

Mission Street Oyster Bar

2282 Mission St.

Mission Street Oyster Bar 不吝惜杂烩的味道,也不吝惜他们的欢乐时光,就此而言. 他们的杂烩汤配上大蒜面包,这使他们有别于其他忠实的酸面包. 当你在附近吃东西的时候,一定要把它加到你的清单上.

The Castro

我敢打赌,你肯定想不到在市中心能找到美味的海鲜,对吧? 贝博体彩app的同性恋社区充满了有趣的商店和很棒的酒吧,但大部分都是山. 在探索卡斯特罗这些杂烩热点的起起落落之前,先把油箱加满.

Anchor Oyster Bar

579 Castro St.

Anchor Oyster Bar 它可能是我们榜单上最小的餐厅之一,但不要因此而气馁. 他们的奶油蛤蜊杂烩味道很重,是这个社区的必吃之物.

Woodhouse Fish Co.

2073 Market St.

你听说过曼哈顿蛤蜊浓汤和新英格兰蛤蜊浓汤,但你听说过哈特福德蛤蜊浓汤吗? You can find it at Woodhouse Fish Co., located on the eastern edge of the Castro. 

Western Addition

North of the Castro and not far from Golden Gate Park在美国,贝博体彩app的西增区将迪斯德罗街作为其主干道. Lined with trendy shops, unique bars, and a wide variety of restaurants, it's a perfect street for a stroll.

Bar Crudo

655 Divisadero St.

Bar Crudo's 杂烩汤的配料太多了,简直就像意大利浓汤! 如果你想要的是一种除了厨房水槽之外什么都有的杂烩汤,那么Crudo酒吧就是你要找的地方.

Tyler Cohn headshot
Tyler Cohn

Tyler is the Sr. Manager of Global Content & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, cheering on the Giants. 
